Breastfeeding First.....
I love breastfeeding my youngest son! I wish I would have been able to do the same with his 3 older brothers. However, things like work, an addiction to cigarettes and my stupidity of my youth caused me to only breastfeed my 3 older boys for around 1 month only for each child!
Here I am at almost 9 months going strong with breastfeeding my fourth and final child and I absolutely LOVE it! I am ashamed of myself for "giving up" on my other children. If it wasn't that I was "craving that cigarette so badly" or "had to go back to work and wouldn't have time to pump", I think I would have had a better time of breastfeeding my other boys. The topic has been itching at the back of my brain since it was National Breastfeeding week and there was a lot of talk about it on Facebook! I have several "friends" who have children the same age as my youngest and they are also big on breastfeeding! One friend has been reading and posting things from The Badass Breastfeeder and I have found myself spending a good amount of time reading some of the things she posts on Facebook and tonight was probably the best part of it all! I found that The Badass Breastfeeder has a BLOG!!! Hahaha.... I love it! And of course, the first blog post I read is "
The Sex Argument Ends Here"! (Click the link.... Click it!.... But come back! LOL)
Ha! I enjoyed that post! She is also an Attachment Parent! I think I will have to read more about that as well. But I have found that it is easier to breastfeed when you have more support! I had little support during my breastfeeding efforts with my oldest 3 boys and with my youngest, I was one determined mama! When the pediatrician said "give him formula, he doesn't weigh enough!" I gave it to him a couple times in the beginning and he would vomit/spit up almost as soon as it hit his stomach! So, I said okay... took their "samples" and stuffed them under the bad! Never giving them to my little guy! He did not agree with them and I was not going to push it. When the Doctor would ask how he did, I replied "Fine! Drank it all!" I know, bad me for lying to the baby's doctor. But, I was not going to formula feed another baby just to have him vomit every time he finished eating!
The Birthday!!!! (Pictures to be added at a later date)
My oldest son turned 8 on 8/8! He was up early and ready to go to the movie theater for $1 movie day! We went to see Hoodwinked Too! which was good! (What I got to see of it, the above mentioned Breast-feeder was being extra demanding and I had to leave the theater to nurse him while walking up and down the theater entry ramp! That was an interesting challenge!) Dad ended up missing the "fun filled day" due to being called into work, but the money is always good so we didn't complain too much although Dad was missed! Before the movie started we went to the restroom and on our way back in the birthday boy face planted the ramp! Causing himself to have rug burn on both knees! Poor guy! I ended up getting him some damp napkins to set on them to help "cool" them off! After the movie we went to his favorite birthday spot, Red Robin! (He usually goes there with his Aunt and Uncle and they sing to him and give him ice cream about a month before his actual birthday, they did that and made him so happy to have it happen on his actual birthday!) At Red Robin he opened all of his gifts that we had there for him! I was able to snap a few pictures on a disposable camera that we later got the photos developed for.
Once Lunch was done and the gifts had been opened we headed for Fred Meyer to develop the film, do some school shopping and let the 4 year old play in the "Fun-land"! He loved that! There was a few kids there when he was dropped off but by the time we were all ready to go, it was just him having a tea party with the lady running the place. It was really cute actually! And he can still go there for about another year! (They can only be up to age 5 and not in Kindergarten yet! Yippee!) We ended up receiving all the "Big" boys' school supplies on the Seventh and we now need to find somewhere to store it for the time being and for the school year! We found the perfect totes and the remaining school supplies. As well as some new bar stools for them to sit on at the "bar" counter top! These will be assembled and set up to the counter once I have the school supplies stored and "away". Hopefully that will be tomorrows chore!
Once all the in town running around was finished it was time to go home and start dinner. The Birthday Boy chose Pizza, Cake and Ice Cream for his Dinner! So I heated the oven, cooked the pizza and served it. A little while later it was cake time and he said it was just what he had wanted!
All in all it was a great August Eighth yet again! I sure love that little boy who made me a Mommy for the first time! Without him, who knows if I would have my four great boys today! I am sure thankful he is my son! He truly is amazing!
**I love you doodlebug! Never forget that! Love, Mama!**