Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July everyone!

I have always enjoyed watching the fireworks at the top of the Butte in town be lit off each Fourth! However, lighting off my own fireworks off has never amused me! I am always more afraid I will light my hand on fire instead!

My dog, though not as bad as my sister's dog. Is always frightened by this Holiday. He will spend his evening attached to my hip and/or under foot. My sister's dog will be wetting herself and hiding under the bed. I hope people remember their animals tonight and don't just light off fireworks without considering their dogs! Dogs do have better hearing and those whistling fireworks kill my ears every time! So please please please remember your pets tonight and make sure they are okay. More animals "run away" on the Fourth of July (and during Thunderstorms) than during the rest of the year! If you love your pets... take great care of them tonight!

My boys and I, with the exception of the oldest, will be missing out on the fireworks this year. I did not buy any and Dad works tonight. Unless I can find a good display on my computer to watch, it will be a no firework night. I might be able to take the boys outside to watch the neighbor kids and their fireworks, but I think it might just be a firework-less night. And that is alright as well. My oldest, who is in Washington, is going to be watching the World of Warcraft fireworks rather than going out to watch them there. He had said he wanted to do that before they even left to go up there too.

In any case, enjoy your Fourth of July and take care of your pets!


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