Friday, December 28, 2012

(Late) Photo Monday 4

Sorry this is late! 
As of last Saturday I got extra busy and lost all track of time!
On Saturday, After taking the dog and husband to their "resorts" and the husband only checking in, we took the kiddos to see Santa and have them ask him for things they could not have possibly gotten in time! LOL

To date this is the BEST photo of all 4 of my kiddos together! The baby did not cry as much as I had expected! For it being only 4 days before Christmas I am surprised Santa didn't get the "Just Surprise Me!" quote from my boys! I had forewarned them that Santa was already to the step of double checking his list to make sure he had all the gifts finished and ready to go on Christmas morning! Santa is not a procrastinator! Not by any means! LOL!

They had fun playing with the toys and then getting to see Santa! They loved him! It was a great day and when we left Santa land it was SNOWING!

Fun was had!


Monday, December 17, 2012

Photo Monday 3

It feels this cold outside! 

Oh.... Wait.... It IS this cold outside....


RIP All 27 LIves Lost in Sandy Hook

A very Hear Touching Photo in memory of those sweet babies that were lost on Friday in Connecticut.

I am not normally one to post about religion, everyone is aloud their own beliefs but.... This was also written and it touched my heart....

twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled wit
h such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA

This is only 18 of the 20 children who lost their lives last Friday.
The 7 Adults are also not in this photo.
I can only pray for fast healing for the families and community.
No Parent Should Ever Have To Bury A Child!
~Never Forget these sweet babies....

Monday, December 10, 2012

Photo Monday 2

With my birthday coming up (tomorrow) I will now be posting what I would like....

I would love to be in here...
Sipping that drink and munching those Strawberries.....

Inside here!
And my day would be wonderful!

Hope you have a great day!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

One Year Old and Christmas crafts!

Every Nursing Baby should have this shirt!
I just love his little shirt! That is what WIC gave him at our last appointment. The "dirty" look on his face is because Dad got him to stop wiggling around long enough to get a picture taken by turning on the lamp right in his face! Anyways, the shirt itself is not long sleeved. I had to put a long sleeved onsie on under it for him to wear it because it has been so cold here. No snow... Yet! But I am sure it will arrive when it is ready to. In the meantime it is just plain cold outside! This has kept us all slightly bundled up more often! As I will show you below, the baby (who is still easiest to photo since his brothers tend to photo bomb each other or just flat refuse to smile!) has been getting super bundled and I refuse to cut his hair because it really doesn't "need it" yet. It it just barely in his eyes! But his attire has been becoming more and more boy-ish LOL... As it should!

At the doctor's office in his blue body suit,
 giving big brother some love!

Passed out in my bed before I woke him up at 5 AM to go get Dad!
(Sleeping almost exactly like his Aunt did as a baby! LOL)

Dad finally got a slight sense of style....
Or rather the sense to match colors! LOL
He just seems to have grown over night! I don't know where that itty bitty baby went..... But look at that yummy cookie in the photo above.... Yummmmmy!

On that note,,,, On to my Christmas Crafts!

First off....

I found a site for Do-It-Yourself Cookie Trays / Candy Dish (I think a friend posted the link on Facebook and I followed it, but added the dish part myself! The link is here. It takes a bit to load on my computer... Lots of photos on there)

Since you are here already, I can also tell you how it is done....

You Will Need:
An Oven 
A Cookie Sheet
Parchment paper
Spearmint's (optional, to add color!)
And a bowl (optional, if you wish to attempt what I did......)

Heat your oven to 350 degrees.....

Arrange your mints on a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper however you want to!

This looked fun and easy to me!
Place arrangement into the oven for 8-10 minutes...
Watch it though, if it is left too long it will start to bubble at the edges....

Finished tray!
Let cool on the cookie sheet 5-10 minutes...
very fragile!!!

You can stop at the above photo....


You can lift the still warm "tray" on the parchment paper and set it into a bowl of choice and press down on the inside slightly as you do. This helps that ribbon effect on the edges appear...

Let cool and then remove the parchment paper.... Mine is in a crystal bowl so the colors are still visible from the sides. Filled with Mini Candy Canes and Christmas Sixlets! And that would be part of my Santa collection hanging off the side! Isn't he adorable? Most of my collection is made up of "tree toppers" like the Angels you can put on a tree or figures about the same size or larger. But, sometimes the adorable exception MUST be made! LOL

This is my 2nd tray that I made for the neighbors across the street!
More on that one to come....

Next up..... Cookies!!!!!!

And who doesn't love cookies? I love cookies, but I can not eat this kind! 

First... Melting Snow Man Cookies!

Sadly, I do not have the recipe for this one. My mother found it and printed it off her computer. Basic ingredients are:

Sugar Cookies
White Vanilla Frosting
Large Marshmallows
Rainbow Sprinkles (for the orange nose)
Green, Red or Blue Sprinkles (for the buttons)
Black Decorating Icing
Blue Decorating Icing

This is my original attempt at the Melting Snow Man!
Not Bad!

These are all the Snow Men I did.
(Plus one that ended up getting set aside for the kids to just eat,
I messed it up! LOL)
My mother did 4 more and we called it good!

All the other cookies that were made!
Mess up of the Snowman is top left and then the
4 below are the main ones I made I did, for gifting!!
My 7 year old did the rest of the cookie decorating!

Aren't they pretty?!
Sugar cookies, frosting and sprinkles! Yippee!

Remember my 2nd tray....
Here it is, topped with cookies for the neighbors!
So that, with another project I worked on today, are some of my crafts for the season! I have more... But they will not be shown until AFTER Christmas! Today was frustrating though. I guess one plus on the quilt I messed up was that it is for my own son and not someone else's child! LOL Take care all!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


Monday, December 3, 2012

NEW! Photo Monday!

I am going to try something new.....

My hope is to get a new photo up for everyone to see each Monday! Sounds like a thing I can do... We shall see... Here is our First try.... Enjoy!

Tis the season! ..... A baby Hedgehog in a Santa hat! Love this one! Hope you do too!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy December!

Can you believe how fast November went by?! It was way too fast in my opinion! Then again, I was pretty busy... Birthday, Thanksgiving, Birthday again! December isn't going to be any better! But this time... It is MY birthday coming up! LOL! In just 10 days I get to be another year! Or in the words of my kids, just old! And as you can tell from the photo, my aging makes me that much more ornery!

I do not have an issue with getting older. I do find it funny that a woman I have not seen in years asked me how old I was and I told her, then she gasped and shouted "That is almost 30!!!" Thanks! LOL! But this woman has known me since I was a very young child so this probably was a big shock! She was also surprised to here about my having 4 kids. And about my sister's new baby! But it was really good to see the woman who was always like a second Mother to me my entire childhood.

As the Holidays approach I probably wont be as chatty as I have been in the past months... I know that that was still rare, but I am getting better... I think! I still have a busy month. My kiddos have a lot of school to get done. However, they are ahead of the game by 2-3 weeks worth of percents now as well. I am pretty sure that the 1st grader is going to complete one entire course by the end of next week. This particular course only has 15 lessons to begin with so it is no real shock that he is already  over 50% done with it, with an estimated end date of January 30th! He has 2 lessons that need him to go to a grocery store or super market and we need to go get groceries tomorrow so I think he will be going with us just for that and we can have him fill out his paperwork for those while we are there!

So, as I said, My Birthday is coming up... And so is Christmas! This year we are going to have a pretty good Christmas for the kiddos as far as gifts go! They are all getting things they are going to just love! (with the exception of the oldest, who already has his gift! He needed his computer replaced before Christmas could get here so he got his gift early!) As for the other boys, I will not mention just yet what they are getting just in case my oldest decides he wants to read my blog (which he has done once or twice!) and then "blab" to his little brothers! As far as things for me from my kiddos go, I know what 2 of my gifts for my birthday are and that is only because they are from the 2 littlest boys and one was purchased by me after my 4 year old said he wanted to add to my Santa collection! It isn't exactly the right type of Santa thing, but it is super cute and I do love it! I will post photos after my birthday for all to see what I get!

I love this time of year and already have my tree up (tiny one this year since we are not going to enjoy it for all that long), my Santa collection out (running out of room and in desperate need of more space just for them!), and I am just about ready to send out my Christmas cards to both family and friends(my fellow Mamas of November 2011 Babies)! I have gotten photos taken throughout the year and stuffed them into some envelopes with cards and then I made a few little creations of my own recently that I printed out to send off as well. Along with other gifts that I am also not able to mention now, my Christmas crafting and card stuffing and licking is almost coming to a close! That is exciting for me! Now to get to the post office and mail a few packages and my cards and I am set! I also need to buy quilt batting to finish up a few last minute, in the process for a long time, gifts! I also have been being a crocheting fool the last few nights! LOL! There are just so many things I started or got the materials to do while my sister was pregnant that I wanted to get finished and didn't that I now have gifts for the next couple years I think! And that is just fine! I also have birthday gifts I can give in there too!

In my spare time on Thursday and Friday, since my boys did so awesome with school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and were finished up early on Thursday and Friday! I was able to create some neat photos of each of my kiddos! Here they are...
This is my oldest! I love all of these photos of him!
The youngest is from when he was about 1-2 weeks old!
The top left photo was shortly after he figured out how to do the peace sign!
My #2 boy!
Isn't he so super cute???
He has been posing for some time now!
Well, for home photos, never for studio photos! LOL!
The 4 year old!
Such a little ham this one!
My favorite here is him chomping on the watermelon!
All animals on this photo were chosen by little man himself!
This is the photo that started it all!
I found a program that allowed me to make this collage and
this is the result! And I love it!
These photos are basically one from each 12 months of his life!
Start at the top left and then go clockwise!
And of course pregnant in the middle photo!
I printed each of these photos out in 5 x 7 size and had them sitting around the base of my tree to dry. They are now awaiting frames! LOL!

I also made some Christmas ones that I will wait until closer to Christmas to post!


Monday, November 26, 2012

The Last First 11/26/12

Today marked the last of the firsts for my littlest man! Today, the baby turned 1 year old! And I went through my day remembering every little bit of that day last year. The day I gave birth to my last baby!

I am so happy to have this little guy in my life. He has made me smile each and every day. If I was sad or upset, he got me into a better mood each and every time! His smile lights up my heart! the story of today, a year ago...

Around 10 PM the night before my sweet boy came into my life I was being admitted and told they were going to break my water and we were having a baby because he was a full day over due! I was supposed to have my little guy on Thanksgiving Day 2011. He obviously had other plans! I had NO contractions what so ever on Thanksgiving. And hardly any the next day. But that night I had a few really good ones so I called my doctor and in we went! By 12:30 AM on 11/26/11 My water had been broken and we were ready to go! They gave me some pain medication once the contractions were really hurting and I received a few heat packs to keep my back pain to a bearable point. I, as is normal for me, fell asleep during some point of labor (I think this is my body really getting to that point of knowing it is about time to push so it just shuts down for a bit) and when I woke up I wanted more pain medication but she said she could only give me one more of that kind so if I wanted to wait it out just a bit longer I could. I tried that, it didn't work out too well. I ended up getting more and this caused my contractions to almost stop!
So, they bumped up the pitocin and we were rolling again! They had me at 12 drops per minute at one point and that is pretty high! Everything went great for a bit... As long as you weren't ME! The pain was starting to get worse and all I wanted to do was make it stop! My nurse (who turns out was the mother of my oldest son's bully in school!) suggested I try standing for a little while. I had NEVER tried to stand while in labor before so I figured why not, let's try! This was my last pregnancy after all! So at about 10 AM on November 26th I stood there holding on to my Husband and crushing his arms during each contraction that seemed to come closer and closer together. Almost as if they did not break between them. Finally I caved and asked my nurse to give me the pain medication I am allergic to (it makes me vomit and on top of everything else I did not want that as well!) and she informed me that she would need to check my cervix one more time before she could do that. Sure enough, I was dilated to 10 cm and as she was "finishing" her check and removing her hand, my body decided it was time to push! I involuntarily gave a good push and my nurse let the doctor know to get in there quick that it was time to have a baby! The doctor barely got her gloves on and to the table as push number two came (again without my being able to stop it) and Baby Boy followed right with it and I am thankful that she had a great catch! He was born so fast that I was almost in shock at the time. They put him on my chest and he wasn't even crying. I knew that he needed to do that so I asked him to please cry and sure enough he did! There was my baby, handsome as ever! He weighed 9 pounds 0.4 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches in length!
I had to step away from this little guy just 7.5 hours after he was born and go into surgery. I was having my tubes tied. The hope was just to do the surgery and then bring me back to the room. However, I had a slight panic attack and ended up having to be "put under" so that they could finish the surgery in peace! LOL! I was then taken to recovery for an hour or two. That is the only chunk of time I do not have a great memory of due to the amnesia effects of the medications they had to inject into my system! I do remember wanting to get back to my baby so I could nurse him and hold him and just simply be with him! We were released the next afternoon and sent on our way to go be a family with his 3 older brothers! His youngest older brother was leaving just a few days later to go spend time with his Aunt so we really wanted to get home so that he could spend a little bit of time with his baby brother before he left.

But! Only 6 days after this guy was born we were on our way back to the hospital! The doctor thought I had a spinal headache from having an epidural for the surgery (not for delivery, only IV medications for me! LOL) when they took me into the room I asked for the light to be off because I couldn't handle it. They turned it off and then they took my blood pressure, well, tried to at least! It was so high that the machine couldn't even read it. they had to try 3 more times and on the 4th try they got a reading of 205/98! Yikes! The even scarier part was my BP that high with my pulse being super low! My pulse was in the 40's! So they started to give me more medicines and kept me laying down and calm (or as calm as one can be when they are freaking out on top of all of that!) and the room dark! I was readmitted to the hospital in the labor and delivery section and my new baby and husband were allowed to stay there with me! They pumped me full of different BP medications and magnesium until I was back to a normal BP. They determined that I am a freak! LOL! (That was my doctor's exact words!) I had developed Postpartum Preeclampsia. This is so rare that my doctor had only had one other patient have it happen that far out in 30 years! He said that it didn't normally happen that long after having baby and was caught a lot sooner! I hadn't even thought of calling my doctor until 6 hours after a Vicodin didn't even begin to touch my headache! LOL! In any case, I obviously got better... Here I am typing this little story to you!


Now, a year later, my little guy is still a dinky guy! But he is full of spunk, character and LOVE! Lots and lots of love! I am also very proud to say that this guy has been breast fed for a full year! With only minimal amounts of formula that he spit up 99.9% of anyways! (Take that, nurse who started giving it to him while I went to the bathroom!) He loves his nursing times and I am not sure he plans on stopping any time soon. He has backed off a bit but he still nurses like crazy! Specially at night! He is for sure a night drinker/eater! LOL! Just like with all my boys I can not wait to see who he is going to grow up to be! I love him so much!

Now that I have just rambled and rambled on about what happened to me a year ago...

Let's come back to today! I have below some of my favorite photos from today. I hope everyone enjoys them! Here they come! Enjoy!

The cake!
Made with love, by Mom!
Red Velvet with blue colored vanilla frosting and chocolate in the middle!

"My cake!"

"You mean I only get this small piece?"

"Well, it does taste alright...."

"I do NOT know what happened to that Smurf! I swear!"

Too good to pick up!

"Nom nom nom!!!"

"What?!?! It was yummy!!!!"

"Hooray for more Giraffe toys!"
The only "good" picture of gift time my phone let me have!
I swear, unless the lighting is just right I do not get good photos!
There it is folks! My baby is officially a whole year old! No more "months" Well, maybe! I usually stop that about 18 months old! LOL! So, maybe another 6 months. But he will always be MY baby! I am not one of those people who says the months all the time.... If I was, I'd have to say I am 323 months old! MAN! I AM old! LOL! I had this conversation with my favorite Starbucks employee today and he reminded me of the part in the movie Grown Ups when Chris Rock asks Kevin James how old his son is and Kevin replies with "48 months!"..... Chris replies "That's 4!" LOL I just so happened to have my 4 year old with me who said to tell them that the baby can walk too, (which yes, sadly, he has taken a bunch of unassisted steps... Grrr .. I want him to slow down on the growing up thing! LOL) so I said, "My 48 month old wants to you know the baby can walk too!" and he replied "THAT'S 4!" LOL! Anyways, that is how today went. Now all my boys are in bed and I am about to do the same! Take care!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

From 6 to 7... Years! (And some Black Friday Talk!)

I have been bad about getting posts up here on time. I know, and sorry! LOL

His"this gift is Awesome!" face!
 My second child turned 7 on the 17th! He had an Angry Birds "themed" party. Only a few decorations (the cake and paper plates and napkins) were about all he had that truly was Angry Birds. Also he had rings on his "cake"! I attempted to make and Angry Birds scene using square cupcakes and bar cakes. This did not turn out as I had planned. I ended up having glob-o-cake chunks! He had picked out his cake flavor (orange!) and his little brothers(red velvet, baby boy's birthday is this next Monday!) and he chose triple chocolate fudge chunk frosting to top it off with! I had planned to use the frosting as a sort of cement. And that did not work out as planned. I had even made one of the "window" blocks. I had it held up with toothpicks. It fell over before I could even attempt to finish! It looked cool while it lasted (no photo however, was not using my brains while doing this, obviously!) and I am sure he would have loved it! He enjoyed his cake anyways and ended up eating the entire thing as of last night. His older brother did not care for it so him and his younger brother (4 year old) finished it off! I told them they had to do this before tonight so that I can hopefully bake a new cake for the babies birthday either tonight or tomorrow. Next year, ONE cake, cut in half and used for BOTH birthdays! Only two people in this house truly love cake and they are going to get sick from eating 2 whole cakes between the two of them! (the 7 and 4 year olds) However, It was fun to make!

The "cake"!

Plus, He LOVED it! The trees in the back and the Happy Birthday burst are both things that we have used for almost all of the birthdays in the last year or so. And Blue candles because that is his "favorite" and designated color! LOL. We can always tell what belongs to who by its color! The oldest has Yellow. Next, Blue. Then the 4 year old has Red and the baby gets green, purple or pink by default! LOL! This actually works out in our favor. If something that we buy that is color coded gets broken, we know who it belonged to and we don't have any guessing games to play.

We started the Birthday "celebrations" by kicking off the morning of the now 7 year olds birthday with a trip to Shari's for breakfast. Little man was oh so seriously looking over his menu and picking what he wanted. He chose Saltine Crackers and a packet of creamer(giving to him by my mother, which is tradition. All of my boys have gotten a coffee creamer packet from my mother around this age)! He also had bites of my Mother's Spring Spinach omelet and we found he really likes blue cheese and spinach! We ended up taking part of that omelet home and blended it up and he got to eat it for lunch that day too!

The birthday boy ordered an Oreo Cookie Milkshake with his breakfast! The waitress was even nice enough to top it off with Whipped topping and Birthday Sprinkles! When we were on our way to town he had said he wanted McDonald's and that just didn't sound good to my mom and I so we talked him into Shari's and he asked if it was free pie day. I told him no, that was Wednesdays but since it was his birthday he could probably get one. Well, with all intentions of buying him a slice of pie, our waitress asked him if he wanted a slice of "birthday" pie, since he spent the entire time telling EVERYONE it was his birthday. He got the largest grin ever on his face and said yes please, s'mores pie! And shortly she was back with his slice in a to go box and we were on our way!

After breakfast we headed over to a kid's sale that only happens once every 6 months and my mom and I just so happened to hit both 2012 sales this year and we look forward to their next sale in March 2013! I spent $59 on the clothes in the photos below and then turned around and spent an extra $4 on a toy/gift for the 4 year old that should help him with school next year! (It is Little Einstein! I love them!)

Sorry some are sideways, I got distracted while flipping some of them the right way.... Enjoy....

All of the clothes together!
(Jackets pictured below)

The 2 thinner material pajamas I picked up for little man!
Top: Monkeys with Monkey feet with ears! By Carters
Bottom: Alphabet words (A for Apple, B for Bear...etc)

Cloth Diaper inserts (4 for $4)
Baby Speed-o! LOL
Rubber soled sock/shoes(I love these, they are sorta big but they work awesome!)
Right: Firetruck overalls!
Left: All Star body suit type outfit. (Has a hood!)

This outfit I found there the day before and didn't have money to get!
I LOVE it! It is going to be his Birthday outfit!
Shirt and pants set!
Again... It has a HOOD! LOL

3 fleece pajamas!
Top: Snowmen on green! Christmas is around the corner, he needed this!
Middle: Monkeys! With Monkey feet with ears! Identical to the other monkey feet.... Also Carter's!
Bottom: Zoo animals! I love the look and feel of this one. It was obviously not as worn as the other two!

His 2 new coats!
The ones he was in before this were getting way too small! I had to get him new ones!
The one on the left is his warmer (larger too) winter coat!
On the right is his over warm pj's to go get Daddy from work sweater/coat!
A closer look at his Winter Coat!
It zips as well as buttons!

His sweater/coat!
Look... It has EARS!!!!
I love ears on baby clothes...
Even on their feet of their pj's! LOL

 After all the town excitement we came home!

I had also gotten the baby one of his many Birthday gifts that day. I picked up a Musical Play Table that he just loves. It was $10... So what the heck, why not!? So while his brothers checked that out with him we got ready to open all of the 7 year old's gifts! Or at least watch him do it!

He sat down right in the middle of the living room and started to dig in! He got a lot of neat things! From a book from his Grandma to a Lego set from his Grandparents in Texas to (his favorite and the one he dug into first)..........................


The "kid wood" was just pieces of foam and all of the tools are plastic but he LOVES this gift! (You can see the musical table in the background there) Mom and Dad RULED this birthday this year! LOL Kids always have a favorite toy, that is just how it is and this time it was Mom and Dad that came through! You can somewhat see what all came in the box in the photo.But, there are/were 150 individual pieces and then he got to cut down all the wood and build whatever he wanted! He has about 15 different things he build and he keeps on cutting and building new things each day! I am so glad he found this gift to be so awesome! This was my last year "I am not shopping on Black Friday" bargain find! LOL 

I do this every year! I say I am not going to go shopping ANYWHERE on Black Friday and then I find myself walking around some store because I needed ONE thing(or in this years case 2)! However, I always find something awesome for my kiddos so it ends up being worth it! This year I ended up needing to renew my oldest WOW account by going to Wal-Mart and buying him a new card and then we had also ran out of wipes for the baby so I needed to go buy new ones of those as well. As it turns out, we hit the END of their sale at Wal-mart! All the crazy people were mostly gone and we, once again, got epic deals! Such as, the 4 year old's birthday gift and a game to go with it! He had put a "kids kindle" on his Christmas Wish list to his Grandparents in Texas this year and I found a V-Reader for $20! And the games for $12 each! These puppies are not cheap normally! So we snagged those. We also found a game for the 7 year old's Christmas gift and then found my littlest guy and my nephew their Christmas/Birthday gifts as well! I now have something to give my nephew that I think my sister will love (not gonna say what because I know she reads this! LOL) and a neat little toy for my guy for in the car! He loves car sounds and has a toy in the car now that when he honks the horn it says "let's go!" and he will sit and hit that button over and over and just smiles the entire time. Well, this new one I already know he loves because he had a blast playing with it in the cart on the way to the check out! I was also able to find little man a Christmas themed "fuzzy" blanket! That is what my kiddos call the little fleece/plush throws that are sold at Wal-Mart. There were a few other things that we got amazing prices on! But the best part is, I picked up everything for UNDER $100! Most of the stuff I bought would have normally cost me 3 to 5 times as much as they did! Such as the V-Reader I picked up. Those are around $60 when not on sale! And I got it for $20!?! Awesome! The 2 things I originally went into the store in the first place for would have only cost me around $52! And I spent $90 plus change!It just amazes me. 

In any case, when I say I am not going shopping next year, remind me I say that every year and I still go shopping! I do however have more sense than others.  do not go out there and do the hair pulling, face punching drama that a lot of other people do. The news reports for Black Friday is always disturbing! Great deals CAN be found without hurting others! Just my opinion! 

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Enjoy the rest of it! I am cutting long school break weekend short a day and we are hitting the Science books tomorrow morning.... 

Baby found the inside of a Paper Bag more exciting than Brother opening gifts! LOL