Saturday, January 19, 2013

Review: Post Alpha-bits Cereal

I have mentioned before that I am a BzzAgent. This means I test items for little to no money and then give my opinion to BzzAgent's website! They go through all of their reviews and then give the feedback to the company that owns each item. The following is a review on Post Alpha-Bit Cereal.

While this cereal looks like your typical "sugary" cereal it is full of all the goodness that we, as parents, want our little ones full of! Unlike other cereals of this variety, this one does not taste like cardboard! My boys were more than willing to dive right in and munch on this cereal. They each had a bowl or two with milk included as well as munching on the cereal all by itself! They were extra excited to have a box a cereal that was sponsored by Super Why! My 4 year loves that show and the other 2 older boys have been known to enjoy it as well! The minute the box was empty they cut out the Super Why! mask and had a ball playing! (Sadly, I did not get a photo snapped of that one!) I do believe that Alpha-Bits will be finding it's way into our cereal cupboard a lot!

Here are a couple photos of my boys with their Alpha-Bits Cereal! (ignore the Kellogg's bowls! LOL)

That is it for now! I hope that everyone (who eats cereal) gets a chance to try this yummy breakfast treat!



  1. these things have existed forever haven't they? I remember having them as a kid I swear... they were like sugar covered cheerios shaped like letters other then you know "o"

    are these different other then being sponsored by super why now? hubby says in the movie anger management jack Nicholson has a bowl.

    1. They have been around for a bit. BzzAgent is more focused on the Super Why! part. And getting the company's "name" back out there. They are sort of like a mix between frosted flakes and cheerios as well as alphabet soup all mixed together! LOL! But they are fun and tasty! Not like the above mixture would be! Ha ha...
